Preparing students for the clinical environment requires plenty of hands-on time to master scanning skills and techniques.
But when instructors need the same machines to review students’ work, provide timely feedback, and grade exams, carving out hands-on time for students can be challenging – and costly.
The Studycast system can help. With a streamlined, end-to-end workflow, it’s as helpful in an education program as it is in the clinical world. Images, cine loops, and study data upload directly from the modality to the secure, Studycast online portal. Students and instructors can log in and view them from anywhere, freeing up the machines for more hands-on skill development
The Studycast system is vendor neutral, so it works with the machines you have now, and with the ones you’ll have in the future.
And it’s budget friendly with a reasonable enrollment fee and no hardware or IT costs.
- Get more scanning time
- Review images from their iPad or personal computer – any time
- Gain experience with a leading-edge PACS solution

- Review and grade students’ images from anywhere, even from home
- Easily monitor students’ progress and provide more timely feedback
- Archive and share images as teaching examples with just a few clicks
- Eliminate the need for local storage of exams
- Reduce hardware and IT support costs
- Maintain academic quality by providing students with more scanning time