In any Studycast worksheet, you can define the default values that are selected for a new exam.

Below are the steps to let Studycast support know what default values are preferred by your facility, so they can be setup for your Studycast account.


1 – Create a New Study

Log in to your Studycast account. On the Studies page, select New Study in the bottom left corner to open the Create New Study window.

Enter the required information, choosing the study type of the worksheet that you want to set the default values for. We recommend choosing a name that makes it clear that this is not a real study. Select Create to create the new study.



2 – Enter the Desired Values

Locate and open the new study. Enter the desired default values into the needed fields. You can enter values for any fields that you need to set default values for, and any fields that aren’t needed can be left blank.

Note: Default values can be set for any study type. Currently, only the Nuclear Cardiac worksheet supports setting default values per Protocol.

After entering the desired values, select Save at the bottom of the screen. We suggest leaving the study in the New status to make it clear that the study is for demonstration purposes only.



3 – Capture the Worksheet

Before reaching out to Studycast support, make sure to collect the worksheet’s default values by copying the Study ID at the top of the worksheet, or from the worksheet’s URL.



4 – Contact Studycast Support

Once you have created the worksheet, entered all the needed values, and captured the needed information, you are ready to contact support. From within the worksheet, select Support at the top of the screen to open the Studycast Support window. Fill out the form, including the phrase “Worksheet Default Values” in the Email Subject field and the including the Study ID in the Message field, then click Submit.

The Studycast support team will receive the request and use the values in the study to set the defaults for that study type. A team member will contact you if they have any questions, and will notify you once the default values are set.



Looking for more information?

For existing clients who would like to learn more about how to personalize the configuration of Studycast worksheets, schedule training with a member of our team.

For prospective clients, our sales team would be happy to provide you with a demo of the functionality. Schedule a personal demo at any time.

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